Previous research

Submitted by dmrokan on

I am a researcher, developer, maker who strongly emphasizes simplicity, accessibility and reusability in my work and have a strong research background in the area of

  • Control theory
  • Optimization
  • Optimal control

with a focus on

  • Systems modeling
  • Model reduction
  • Optimal actuator/sensor placement
  • Optimal controller design

and authored the dissemination material below:

  • Demir, O., 2020. Optimality Based Structured Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (Doctoral dissertation, Bilkent University),
  • Demir, O. and Özbay, H., 2020. Static output feedback stabilization of discrete time linear time invariant systems based on approximate dynamic programming. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,

which extends optimal actuator/sensor placement methods in the literature to the unstable systems, by defining a generalized version of gramians applied to unstable systems, develops fixed order controller generation algorithms based on dynamic programming which produces results comparable to linear quadratic regulator (LQR), formulates necessary conditions to find such a controller.

  • Demir, O., 2014. Reduced order modeling of infinite dimensional systems from frequency response data (Master's thesis, Bilkent University),
  • Demir, O. and Özbay, H., 2014, June. On reduced order modeling of flexible structures from frequency response data. In 2014 European Control Conference,

which develops a model reduction algorithm based on nonlinear programming, applies the results on infinite dimensional system models and experimental data.

  • Akman, Ç., Demir, O. and Sönmez, T., 2021, June. Covid-19 SEIQR Spread Mathematical Model. In 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference,

which develops a disease spread model and an optimal control based algorithm which estimates the spread rate and ratio of undetected patients from daily new cases data sets.

You can find the Python implementation of the work in my PhD dissertation on this github page. Also, there are some design tools in the site.

You can find brief surveys on the mentioned research areas in the links below.