Submitted by dmrokan on
GDBlas is a native Godot Game Engine plugin which adds mathematical routines to the engine, such as, ► Real and complex linear algebra routines ►Running real and complex standard library functions on vector and matrices, ► Ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver ►Geometric algorithms that operate on arbitrary 2D shapes
Submitted by dmrokan on

This article discusses the improvement of the performance in terms of framework per seconds (FPS) when heavy calculations are evaluated in Godot Engine threads, by providing an image filtering example which utilizes GDBlas module.

Submitted by dmrokan on
It became highly common to implement controllers by using digital signal processing (DSP) units in the control loop applications. Attaching a digital controller to a physical system requires additional components for interfacing the real-life system to the DSP ... When formulating digital control of an continuous time linear time-invariant (LTI) system, the non-linearity introduced by sampling should be considered ... Generally, sample rates should be faster than 30 times the bandwidth in order to assure that the digital controller can be made to closely match the performance of the continuous time controller.
Submitted by dmrokan on
NGSpice varies from popular spice simulator counterparts by being fully open source and having a builtin discrete event simulator (DES) which is based on Xspice simulator ... Xspice adds high level models such as limiters, comparators, mathmetical operations, FIR filters, etc. ... A new model can be defined by writing an interface specification file and C code file which implements the model behavior.
Submitted by dmrokan on
Systems modeling and control theory are intellectual products resulting from the human ambition on understanding and taming the natural phenomena for exploiting its use value. Unmanageable systems, in other words unstable systems, are generally considered to be useless. In order to make it useful, the source of unstability should be discovered and an appropriate stabilizing control technique should be implemented.
Submitted by dmrokan on
It is a common practice to represent control system models by block diagrams. The graphical representation of systems with many components and intermediate signals helps the researchers have a better understanding on the system structure ... This article considers an open source implementation called NGSpice which provides XSpice backend that lets using several signal processing blocks in addition to the electronic circuit components.
Submitted by dmrokan on

Systems modeling is the science of representing a real-life physical system with mathematical expressions. A physical system can be shown in a diagram as a block with an input and an output terminal which is assumed to respond to input and its initial conditions.

Submitted by dmrokan on
In control research, the final goal of modeling a physical system is operating it to obtain a desired functionality. More precisely, designer wants to command the system in a way that it will generate a desired output. ... It is a very common practice to design a control algorithm which is a function of the values measured by the sensors placed on the system.
Submitted by dmrokan on
In the control theory research, one of the main goals is to design control laws which minimizes the energy of system output. ... A fundamental problem in the control theory is; can you achieve the control problem's goals by using a static control law?
Submitted by dmrokan on
Please, visit Kicad's own documentation for creating a schematic and implementing spice simulations. KicadODE LTI model generator produces a spice model and corresponding schematic symbol to import into Kicad schematics.
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